Nick Virzi
I am a composer, performer, and videographer who is passionate about storytelling through music. I create instrumental and electro-acoustic pieces where music interacts with both electronic sounds and film made from audio and video field recordings. I pursue life with a sense of adventure, with the understanding that meaningful experiences are needed to inform my music – and vice versa. The natural world inspires me, as does my home city (New York), and the artists and people I collaborate with. My creative work reflects the magical moments I encounter in the world.

Standing in Washington Square Park on a warm summer’s day, I watched a man guiding his flock of trained pigeons while a pianist under the Arch performed music by Philip Glass. As the music filled the square, the birds flew around the park in wide arcs that seemed to mirror the spirit and gestures of the music. Serendipitous moments such as these serve as a reminder to me, especially during turbulent times, that beauty is always present.